CD (AWS CLI) 배포 액션즈

- ### 개요: MSA 기반으로 각 기능을 수행하는 150 개의 람다, 레이어 배포 람다마다 설정이 달라서 별도로 처리해준 로직이 많아서 코드가 지저분해 보일 수 있습니다... 로그 그룹이 존재하면 기존 람다의 배포이고, 로그 그룹이 없다면 새로운 기능 배포인 케이스
## 소스코드
staging-lambda-function-deploy.yml ``` name: lambda function deploy to staging on: push: branches: - staging jobs: develop-lambbda-function-deploy: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v1 - name: Configure AWS credentials uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1 with: aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.DEVELOP_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }} aws-secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.DEVELOP_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }} aws-region: ap-northeast-1 - name: aws layer deploy run: | bash env: NODEJS_VERSION: nodejs14.x AWS_ENV: stg - name: aws lambda deploy run: | bash env: AWS_ACCOUNT_ID: ... AWS_SUBNET_IDS: ... AWS_SECURITY_GROUP_IDS: ... AWS_ENV: stg NODEJS_VERSION: nodejs14.x ``` ``` #!/bin/bash MAX_RETRY_CNT=5 LOG_DIR="./log/layer" # To make a lot of requests at the same time function request_aws_api () { local function_name=${2} local result result=$(eval "${1} 2>&1") if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] then output_error_logs "${1}" "${result}" "${function_name}" if [[ $result =~ "Rate exceeded" ]] then result=$(retry_request_aws_api "${1}" "${function_name}") else exit 1 fi fi echo "result ${1}: ${result}" >&2 echo "result ${1}: ${result}" >> ${LOG_DIR}/${function_name}.log echo $result } function rm_log_file () { local function_name=${1} if [ -e ${LOG_DIR}/${function_name}.log ]; then rm ${LOG_DIR}/${function_name}.log fi } function retry_request_aws_api () { local function_name=${2} for var in $(seq ${MAX_RETRY_CNT}) do sleep 1 result=$(eval "${1} 2>&1"); if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] then output_error_logs "${1}" "${result}" "${function_name}" else echo $result return fi done exit 1 } function output_error_logs () { local cmd=${1}; local result=${2}; local function_name=${3}; echo "Request command: ${cmd}, Return value: ${result}" >> ${LOG_DIR}/${function_name}.log } if [ ! -d $LOG_DIR ] then mkdir -p $LOG_DIR fi mkdir deploy-layers # layers zip cd layers if [ "${AWS_ENV}" = "prd" ]; then cp ./cst-sdk/constants/CommonConstantProduction.js ./cst-sdk/constants/CommonConstant.js cp ./cst-sdk/constants/ServersettingConstantProduction.js ./cst-sdk/constants/ServersettingConstant.js fi # package.jsonに記載されたパッケージをインストール # その際、node_modulesディレクトリが作られる npm install mkdir nodejs cp -R node_modules nodejs/ cp -R cst-sdk nodejs/node_modules zip -r ../deploy-layers/ nodejs -x /\*/node_modules/\*/node_modules/\* \*coverage\* \_\_test\_\_\* \*.DS_Store / rm -R nodejs node_modules cd ../ # layerをアップロード cmd="aws lambda --no-cli-pager publish-layer-version --layer-name cst-sdk \ --description \"Layer for cpi setting tool.\" \ --zip-file fileb://deploy-layers/ \ --compatible-runtimes ${NODEJS_VERSION} --region ap-northeast-1" request_aws_api "${cmd}" "cst-layers" echo "Process of deploying all layer is done!" rm_log_file "cst-layers" rm -rf ./deploy-layers echo "============================================================================" # error log output if [ -d $LOG_DIR ] then error_flag=false for err_log in $(ls ${LOG_DIR}); do echo "============================================================================" error_flag=true cat ${LOG_DIR}/${err_log} done if [ "${error_flag}" = "true" ] then exit 1 fi fi ``` ``` #!/bin/bash MAX_RETRY_CNT=5 TIMEOUT_TEAMS_FUNCTION=cst-common-timeout-teams-notification-from-cloudwatch-log LOG_DIR="./log/lambda" # To make a lot of requests at the same time function request_aws_api () { local function_name=${2} local result result=$(eval "${1} 2>&1") if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] then output_error_logs "${1}" "${result}" "${function_name}" if [[ $result =~ "Rate exceeded" ]] then result=$(retry_request_aws_api "${1}" "${function_name}") elif [[ ( $result =~ "ResourceNotFoundException" ) && ( ${1} =~ "get-function-configuration" ) ]] then result=false else exit 1 fi fi echo "result ${1}: ${result}" >&2 echo "result ${1}: ${result}" >> ${LOG_DIR}/${function_name}.log echo $result } function rm_log_file () { local function_name=${1} if [ -e ${LOG_DIR}/${function_name}.log ]; then rm ${LOG_DIR}/${function_name}.log fi } function retry_request_aws_api () { local function_name=${2} for var in $(seq ${MAX_RETRY_CNT}) do sleep 1 result=$(eval "${1} 2>&1"); if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] then output_error_logs "${1}" "${result}" "${function_name}" if [[ ( $result =~ "ResourceNotFoundException" ) && ( ${1} =~ "get-function-configuration" ) ]] then echo false return fi else echo $result return fi done exit 1 } function output_error_logs () { local cmd=${1}; local result=${2}; local function_name=${3}; echo "Request command: ${cmd}, Return value: ${result}" >> ${LOG_DIR}/${function_name}.log } function log_groups_exists () { local function_name=${1} local logs_group_name=/aws/lambda/${function_name} local cmd="aws logs describe-log-groups --no-cli-pager --log-group-name-prefix ${logs_group_name} \ --query 'logGroups[].logGroupName'" local result=$(request_aws_api "${cmd}" "log_groups-${function_name}") local log_groups_exists_flag=`echo ${result} | awk -F'\"' '{print \$2}' | grep -e "^${logs_group_name}$" || true` if [ -z "$log_groups_exists_flag" ] then echo false else echo true fi } function create_log_groups () { local logs_group_name=/aws/lambda/${1} local log_groups_exists_flag=$(log_groups_exists "${1}") if [ "$log_groups_exists_flag" = "false" ] then local cmd cmd="aws logs create-log-group --log-group-name ${logs_group_name}" request_aws_api "${cmd}" "log_groups-${1}" fi rm_log_file "log_groups-${1}" } function get_timeout () { local directory=${1}; local timeout=120 if [ ${} = cst-sslsettings-approval-check-from-cloudwatch-rule ]; then timeout=900 fi if [ ${} = cst-sslsettings-resend-check-from-cloudwatch-rule ]; then timeout=300 fi if [ ${} = cst-sslsetting-calling-copy-from-sns ]; then timeout=180 fi if [ ${} = cst-sslsetting-calling-put-pem-from-sns ]; then timeout=240 fi if [ ${} = cst-serversettings-auto-stop-from-cloudwatch-rule ]; then timeout=300 fi if [ ${} = cst-serversettings-auto-revival-from-cloudwatch-rule ]; then timeout=300 fi if [ ${} = cst-serversettings-auto-delete-from-cloudwatch-rule ]; then timeout=300 fi if [ ${} = cst-serversettings-auto-add-from-cloudwatch-rule ]; then timeout=300 fi if [ ${} = cst-sslsettings-auto-cpi-ssl-from-cloudwatch-rule ]; then timeout=300 fi if [ ${} = cst-sslsettings-auto-other-ssl-from-cloudwatch-rule ]; then timeout=300 fi if [ ${} = cst-opesetting-calling-ssl-install-from-sns ]; then timeout=300 fi if [ ${} = cst-opesetting-callback-ssl-install-from-sns ]; then timeout=300 fi if [ ${} = cst-serversetting-calling-virtualmod-step2-from-sns ]; then timeout=900 fi echo $timeout } function back_ground_process () { local directory=${1}; local timeout=$(get_timeout "${directory}") local cmd="" echo deploy-functions/${directory}; local function_name=${} local function_exists_flag=$(function_exists ${function_name}); if [ "$function_exists_flag" = "false" ] then cmd="aws lambda create-function --no-cli-pager \ --function-name ${function_name} \ --runtime ${NODEJS_VERSION} \ --zip-file fileb://deploy-functions/${directory} \ --handler index.handler \ --role arn:aws:iam::${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}:role/cpi-setting-tool-lambda-role-access-dynamodb-sns-vpc-ses \ --environment \"Variables={ENV=${AWS_ENV}}\""; request_aws_api "${cmd}" "${function_name}" fi cmd="aws lambda update-function-code --no-cli-pager --function-name ${function_name} \ --zip-file fileb://deploy-functions/${directory} \ --publish "; request_aws_api "${cmd}" "${function_name}" echo "waiting for lambda to update" cmd="aws lambda wait function-updated --no-cli-pager --function-name ${function_name}"; request_aws_api "${cmd}" "${function_name}" cmd="aws lambda update-function-configuration --no-cli-pager \ --function-name ${function_name} \ --role arn:aws:iam::${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}:role/cpi-setting-tool-lambda-role-access-dynamodb-sns-vpc-ses \ --runtime ${NODEJS_VERSION} \ --vpc-config SubnetIds=${AWS_SUBNET_IDS},SecurityGroupIds=${AWS_SECURITY_GROUP_IDS} \ --timeout $timeout \ --layers arn:aws:lambda:ap-northeast-1:${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}:layer:cst-sdk:${layer_version} \ --environment \"Variables={ENV=${AWS_ENV}}\""; request_aws_api "${cmd}" "${function_name}" cmd="aws lambda put-function-event-invoke-config --no-cli-pager \ --function-name ${function_name} \ --maximum-retry-attempts 0"; request_aws_api "${cmd}" "${function_name}" if [ "${}" = "${TIMEOUT_TEAMS_FUNCTION}" ] then rm_log_file "${TIMEOUT_TEAMS_FUNCTION}" return fi logs_group_name=/aws/lambda/${function_name} create_log_groups "${function_name}" cmd="aws logs put-subscription-filter --no-cli-pager \ --log-group-name ${logs_group_name} \ --filter-name taskTimedOutAfter \ --filter-pattern \"Task timed out after\" \ --destination-arn arn:aws:lambda:ap-northeast-1:${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}:function:${TIMEOUT_TEAMS_FUNCTION}"; request_aws_api "${cmd}" "${function_name}" rm_log_file "${function_name}" echo "${1} done!" } function function_exists () { local function_name=${1} local cmd="aws lambda --no-cli-pager get-function-configuration \ --function-name ${function_name}" local result=$(request_aws_api "${cmd}" "${function_name}") if [ "$result" = "false" ] then echo false else echo true fi } if [ ! -d $LOG_DIR ] then mkdir -p $LOG_DIR fi mkdir deploy-functions # function zip for directory in $(ls ./functions); do cd functions/${directory} zip -r ../../deploy-functions/${directory}.zip . -x /package.json package-lock.json node_modules\* \*coverage\* \_\_test\_\_\* \*.DS_Store / cd ../../ done cmd="aws lambda --no-cli-pager list-layer-versions --layer-name cst-sdk --region ap-northeast-1 --query 'LayerVersions[0].Version'" layer_version=$(request_aws_api "${cmd}" "layer_version") echo layer_version=$layer_version rm_log_file "layer_version" # {TIMEOUT_TEAMS_FUNCTION}は他の lambda と設定内容が違うので個別に作成 function_exists_flag=$(function_exists ${TIMEOUT_TEAMS_FUNCTION}); if [ "$function_exists_flag" = "false" ] then cmd="aws lambda create-function --no-cli-pager \ --function-name ${TIMEOUT_TEAMS_FUNCTION} \ --runtime ${NODEJS_VERSION} \ --zip-file fileb://deploy-functions/${TIMEOUT_TEAMS_FUNCTION}.zip \ --handler index.handler \ --role arn:aws:iam::${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}:role/cpi-setting-tool-lambda-role-access-dynamodb-sns-vpc-ses"; request_aws_api "${cmd}" "${TIMEOUT_TEAMS_FUNCTION}" fi cmd="aws lambda remove-permission --no-cli-pager \ --function-name ${TIMEOUT_TEAMS_FUNCTION} \ --statement-id CloudWatch-Logs-filter-taskTimedOutAfter || true"; request_aws_api "${cmd}" "${TIMEOUT_TEAMS_FUNCTION}" cmd="aws lambda add-permission --no-cli-pager \ --function-name ${TIMEOUT_TEAMS_FUNCTION} \ --action lambda:InvokeFunction \ --statement-id CloudWatch-Logs-filter-taskTimedOutAfter \ --principal \ --source-arn \"arn:aws:logs:ap-northeast-1:${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}:log-group:/aws/lambda/cst-*:*\""; request_aws_api "${cmd}" "${TIMEOUT_TEAMS_FUNCTION}" # zip and upload each function for directory in $(ls ./deploy-functions); do back_ground_process ${directory} & done # wait until all child processes are done wait echo "All background processes are done!" rm -rf ./deploy-functions echo "============================================================================" # error log output if [ -d $LOG_DIR ] then error_flag=false for err_log in $(ls ${LOG_DIR}); do echo "============================================================================" error_flag=true cat ${LOG_DIR}/${err_log} done if [ "$error_flag" = "true" ] then exit 1 fi fi ```

되돌아가기 수정